
Your guide to community guidelines

These policies aim to create an inclusive and respectful environment, fostering an enriching experience for all patrons. Thank you for your cooperation as we build a vibrant and welcoming community hub together.

Bulletin Board Policy

Community bulletin board space is available to organizations, businesses, or individuals engaged in civic, educational, cultural, or activities of local interest.

Due to limited space, only 1 copy of an item may be posted. Handouts may be displayed on shelving provided for that use.
Solicitations or requests for contributions will not be accepted for posting.

Flyers/posters should be marked with the date of posting. Library staff will regularly remove flyers that promote events that have already passed. Items not pertaining to a specific date may be removed after one month on the bulletin board or have been up more than 1 month from date of posting. The library is not responsible for the care or return of posters.

All flyers will be discarded when removed by library staff. Persons who wish to retain materials must remove flyers promptly themselves before the 1 month expiration date.

The library does not endorse the viewpoints of any group or individual.

Revised 7/28/2014

Chromebook Lending Policy

  • Patrons must present a valid library card and a current photo ID to check out any electronics.
  • Chromebooks may be checked out by any Resident library card holder (Center, North, Polk, or West Townships) 18 or older with an account clear of all fines.
  • Chromebooks check out for seven days.
  • Chromebooks may only be returned to Computer Room staff.
  • Chromebooks may be placed on hold.
  • Only one Chromebook at a time may be checked out or placed on hold per household.
  • Patrons will be charged $20 for each day the Chromebook is overdue.
  • The library reserves the right to suspend Chromebook privileges for those not abiding by the rules.
  • Chromebooks must be returned in their original neoprene bag with Chromebook, Chromebook case, power cord, and instruction card.
  • Returns with missing or substitute parts will incur charges according to current replacement costs: Chromebook $454; power cord $15; bag $20; instructional card $2.

The library does not guarantee the security of personal information when using our technology. Please use caution in sharing your information. Any data or information left on our devices will be deleted. We are not responsible for any lost files.

Circulation Policy

Length of Circulation
The circulation period for library materials is established by the Director of the Library. Items may be checked out for 21 days, 7 days, or 2 days depending on the item. With the exception of DVDs, Speed Zone books, Game Discs, and Playaway Views, items may be renewed one time if there is no reserve on that particular item by another patron.

There is no limit on the number of books or Books on CD a patron may check out. Books check out for 3 weeks and may be renewed for 3 weeks (if the item is not on hold for another patron).

A limit of a total of 20 CDs may be checked out for 3 weeks. Items may be renewed for 3 weeks (if an item is not on hold for another patron).

DVDs and Game Discs may be checked out for one week. Borrower must be 18 years of age or be 15, 16, or 17 years of age with a signed permission slip on file from a parent or guardian. DVDs are limited to 10 at a time and Game Discs are limited to 2 at a time. DVDs and Game Discs may not be renewed, but may be brought to the library to be checked in and checked out again (if title is not on hold for another patron). Quickflix may be checked out for 2 days only, with no renewals.

DVDs, CDs, Books on CD, and Game Discs are not to be repaired, altered or tampered with in any way. If there is a problem with any of these items, please inform us at the time the item is returned. Avoid leaving these items in temperature extremes and play only at room temperature. In case of damage or loss, borrower may be charged the full replacement cost.  All materials except children’s board games may be returned in the book drop.

Overdue Materials
An item is considered overdue when it has been borrowed from the library and has not been returned on or by the date specified. Patrons are responsible for all items checked out on their card.   A postage charge of 55¢ for mailing second overdue notices will be added to a patron’s record.

In the case of patrons who chronically have overdue problems, the Library Director may suspend his/her borrowing privileges. After the third notice, unresolved issues may be sent to a collection agency.

Other Charges
Patrons must have their card with them to check out materials.  Patrons are responsible for materials checked out on their card and are encouraged not to loan their card to anyone.  Patrons are responsible for taking care of the library materials they have in their possession. Patrons who damage or lose library equipment or materials will be required to pay the current replacement cost of that item or be assessed a damage fee. Examples might include water damage or lost DVD inserts.

Assessing Charges
In assessing overdue fines and other charges, all patrons should be given the benefit of the doubt. Chronic offenders should be treated firmly, but courteously. In all cases, if there is any doubt on the part of the staff or patron, it should be made clear that nothing is definite until the Director has been informed of the situation.

Updated: 5/22/2020

Computers & Internet Policy

The Plymouth Public Library offers access to electronic resources, including those on the Internet. The library is committed to serving the information and lifelong learning needs of all. Providing access to the Internet can enable the Library to expand its information services beyond the traditional collections and resources. Access is a privilege, not a right, and requires responsibility on the part of the user.

The Internet offers unlimited global access to all types of information. Not all sources are accurate, complete, current, legal or philosophically acceptable to all people. Some information may be offensive, controversial, illegal, erroneous, etc. It is the responsibility of the user to select or reject online information based on good judgment and discretion. The library uses content filtering software to manage and monitor Internet usage. The primary use of this software is to filter objectionable or inappropriate content. Patrons should understand that this software is not 100 percent accurate and may allow some objectionable content through, as well as block some content that would be acceptable under library policies.

The Plymouth Public Library cannot fully monitor or control the content of the materials on the Internet, which changes rapidly and unpredictably. Parents and guardians of minor children must assume responsibility of their children’s use of the Internet at the library just as they must with printed materials or visual materials. All parents and children are encouraged to read Connect Safely for guidelines.

Computer Help

There are many questions that can be asked about computers, software, files, internet, scanners, etc.. Because all computers are set-up differently, we can only be responsible for assisting and helping with our own in-house equipment and/or programs. We cannot give technical advice over the telephone or in the library about equipment or software people have in their homes. We would be happy to help patrons find books or professional computer people to assist them.

Acceptable Internet Use

  • All electronic traffic originating from the Plymouth Public Library will be in accordance with acceptable use standards. Failure to abide by these standards may result in the loss of Internet, computer, and library privileges.
  • Respect for the privacy of others.
  • Compliance with copyright law and licensing for individual data and programs.
  • Consideration for the security and functioning of computers, computer networks and systems.

Unacceptable Internet Use

  • Computing resources may only be used for legal purposes by the public and staff in accordance with the ethical standards of the library. Examples of unacceptable use include, but are not limited to the following:
  • Uses for any purposes that violate applicable federal, state, or local laws including copyright laws. (Federal law forbids library CDs or DVDs to be copied or transferred to storage devices, such as MP3 players or iPods).
  • Interfering with or disrupting other computer users, services, or equipment.
  • Attempting to gain or gaining unauthorized entry to other computing, information, or communications sources or devices (hacking).
  • Malicious, threatening, harassing, or obscene behavior or language.
  • Obscene behavior including public display of obscene materials on computer screens or in hard copy.
  • Misrepresentation of oneself or the library.
  • Activities that could cause congestion and disruption of networks and systems.
  • Unsolicited advertising.
  • To access, upload, download, transmit or distribute pornographic, obscene, or sexually explicit language or material.


  • Parents are cautioned to monitor their minor children’s use of the Internet.
  • Users are cautioned to guard closely the security of personal information, credit card numbers, computer accounts, passwords, and other types of authorizations when using the Internet.
  • Users are cautioned to take steps to protect their systems from computer viruses and other destructive computer programs when downloading programs to disk for use on other computers.
  • Electronic files should not be considered confidential. When required by law, the Plymouth Public Library must disclose all files to the extent required by law.
  • The Plymouth Public Library is not liable for any direct or indirect and/or punitive damages (including lost data or information) sustained or incurred in connection with the use or unavailability of the system.
  • Use of the Internet stations is on a first-come, first-served basis. The library may set time limits so all patrons seeking access will have an
    opportunity to do so.

Gifts Policy

The Plymouth Public Library gratefully accepts gifts and donations with the following conditions:

Books and materials:
The Library accepts gifts of books, DVDs, magazines and sound recordings in good condition but reserves the right to evaluate and dispose of them in accordance with the same criteria applied to purchased materials. Generally, items will be selected for the collection if they are in good condition and likely to be in demand or fill in gaps in the collection. Materials may be disposed of without notifying the donor if later examination indicates that the library cannot use it.

* The Library will NOT accept textbooks, VHS tapes, or ripped, stained, or mildewed materials.

The Library retains the right to determine where donated items will be utilized.

Donated materials that are not added to the collection are disposed of at the discretion of the Library. The majority of those materials are given to the Friends of the Library for their book sales. Materials that are determined to be of an unsalable condition are recycled.

The Library cannot appraise donated books for tax purposes. The Library will provide (upon request) a receipt for tax purposes of the donor with a space for the donor’s estimated value of the materials.

Memorial gifts:
Individual or groups may wish to make donations to the Plymouth Public Library in memory of a friend or a relative. Memorial gifts are acknowledged as follows:

An acknowledgement is mailed to the donor.
Notification is mailed to the designated family member or friend of the deceased informing them a donation has been made and who made it.
Donor plates are attached to the materials purchased with the gift when appropriate.

Memorial donations are used to purchase books, audio books, movies or to fund programs, depending on the wishes of the donor. The purchase of specifically identified titles with gift funds cannot be guaranteed, nor does the donor have the right of approval of titles before purchase. However, donors are encouraged to recommend subject areas.

Adopted: 9/26/2016
Revised: 8/27/2018

Meeting Rooms Policy

 The Plymouth Public Library (hereafter “Library”) is committed to serve as a community resource for the informational, cultural, educational, and civic needs of our community. The Library and Board of Trustees invites the use of the meeting rooms, but their use does not signify or imply any endorsement by the Library of the opinions or activities shared in those meetings. Any publicity related to a non-library meeting should not imply that it is Library-sponsored. The position of the Library is always one of neutrality. 

Types of Meetings:

Priority for meeting room use will be assigned in the following manner: 

1. Library-sponsored programs and meetings.* 

2. Library-related meetings or programs. 

3. Non-library groups will be viewed as equitably as possible for scheduling purposes. 

*Library-sponsored programs shall be educational in nature. There shall be no selling of materials and/or products by any person or organization. [The only exception to this rule shall be local authors selling their materials.] Patrons attending library-sponsored programs may be charged a nominal fee to cover the cost of materials and/or tools used. The Library will advertise the program, and register users in advance (including collecting money if applicable). All Library-sponsored programs are approved at the discretion of the Library Director. 

Meeting rooms will be scheduled in advance on a first-come, first-served basis upon receiving a completed application (plus the rental fee if applicable). *Payment must be made at least 1 week prior to the meeting date. 

No general admission fee may be charged for any meeting or program in the meeting rooms, nor may any voluntary offering, solicitation, or collection of funds be made. However, qualified groups (non-commercial, non-profit, civic, or educational organizations) may charge participants a fee to cover the actual costs (i.e. printed reading materials or supplies used at the meeting) of an educational program to be presented. Buying and selling of products or services are not permitted. 

All civic, community, or educational organization whose purpose is non-commercial, non-partisan, and/or non-profit may use the meeting rooms with no fee. Political groups may use the meeting rooms for non-partisan or bi-partisan programs of an educational nature. Religious groups may use the rooms for non-sectarian or interdenominational meetings or programs. 

Petitions and/or remonstrances are not permitted in the Library or on Library property. Meeting rooms may not be used for social functions such as birthday parties, reunions, anniversaries, holiday parties, etc. Use of the meeting rooms by individuals and/or their friends and family members is not permitted (i.e. watching TV or movies). 

Light refreshments and non-alcoholic beverages are allowed. Any equipment or food brought in should be promptly removed after the meeting. The equipment provided by the Library may be used, but must be left clean and in the same condition. 

Rooms to Reserve:

Rental fee charged to for-profits; Free use for non-profits 

Laramore A – Capacity 30 people – includes 70” TV, VCR, Blu-ray Disc player, coffee pot, microwave, and rectangular tables with chairs. 

Fee: $50 0-4 hours, $100 4-8 hours, $150 over 8 hours per day 

Laramore B – Capacity 32 people – includes 70” TV, VCR, Blu-ray Disc player, kitchenette, microwave, coffee pot, and rectangular tables with chairs. Fee: $50 0-4 hours, $100 4-8 hours, $150 over 8 hours per day 

Jim Neu Family Room – Capacity 10 people – includes 65” TV, Blu-ray Disc player, and a table with chairs. Fee: $50 0-4 hours, $100 4-8 hours, $150 over 8 hours per day 

Rooms on First-Come, First-Served Basis:

Not allowed to reserve – must come into the library to see if available. 

The library offers conference rooms on a first-come, first-served basis. Anyone 18 or older may use the rooms with no fee. The rooms shall not be used on a regular basis to conduct business at the library (essentially becoming office space for individuals or businesses). 

Study Room – Capacity 2 people – includes white board and a table with chairs. 

Conference Room – Capacity 6 people – includes whiteboard and a table with chairs. 

Exploration Station – Capacity 16 people – includes 65” TV, Blu-ray player, whiteboard, and tables with chairs. 

Meeting Room Hours:

All meeting rooms are available when the Library opens and must be vacated ½ hour before the Library closes, except for Laramore A & B. The Laramore Rooms are available after hours as long as a responsible party is in the room before Library closing time. The responsible party accepts responsibility for ensuring the Library is secure when their party leaves. 

Library Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday: 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Closed on Sunday.


The person responsible for the room must be 21 years of age or older. Children and young adults must be supervised at all times by an adult. Youth groups must be organized and supervised by responsible adults, who must attend and oversee each meeting. No baby-sitting facilities are provided. Children should be provided with adult supervision before, during, and after meetings. 

An organization may reserve on a recurring basis; however, any such regularly scheduled meetings shall be subject to cancellation from time to time for Library use at the discretion of the Library Director. Reasonable notice of such cancellation will be furnished by the Library and arrangements will be made to set up alternative dates. Any scheduled user of a meeting room shall notify the Library promptly in the event of any change in the user’s schedule. 

Confirmed reservations may not be transferred to persons or organizations other than another member of the same organization. Each person or group must make their own reservations. 

No-Shows & Rooms Left Disordered:

If a group does not show up for a meeting and has failed to cancel it, or if they have not fulfilled the responsibility to clean and restore the room to the original set-up, the following action will occur: 

After 1st offense:

The party that booked the room will receive a written notice. 

After 2nd offense:

1. In an effort to be fair to all groups, future scheduled meetings will be cancelled. The Library reserves the right to limit future meeting room usage for past history of infractions to this policy. 

2. The person that booked the room will receive a notice that this action has been taken. 

If the group desires to reschedule meetings after they have been cancelled due to offenses, the group will be required to submit new reservations and may be denied if rooms are no longer available. 

Responsibilities of Users:

Each group is responsible for setting up the room to its specifications. Each group is also responsible for restoring the room to its original setup when the meeting is over. Current custodial fees may be charged if the rooms are not cleaned up and restored to the original setup for the next group. 

The use of the meeting rooms must be confined to the activity for which the facilities were requested. Floor, furniture, equipment, and other property must be properly cared for and returned to a clean and orderly condition following use. Tables must be cleaned off and the floor vacuumed if needed. Upon leaving the building, meeting room(s) must be securely locked. 

Children shall not be left unsupervised at any time. 

Any group in Laramore A or B whose meeting continues after the main part of the Library is closed must make sure that all children remain in the meeting rooms with the adults. Unsupervised children in the lobby after hours creates a dangerous situation for both the children and the Library. 

Open flames (candles, matches, etc.) are never permitted in the meeting rooms. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted at any time and smoking is prohibited in all areas of the Library. 

Each organization assumes full responsibility for any damages incurred resulting from use of the meeting room facilities. Abuse of the facilities will be sufficient cause to deny further use of the room. The Library assumes no responsibility for any personal belongings of persons attending meetings. 

If the Library must be closed due to weather or other emergency, reasonable effort will be made to contact the person who arranged the meeting. 

The Library Director, or appointed staff member, reserves the right to terminate any meeting that is noisy, disruptive, or potentially destructive to the Library’s property, or interferes with Library operations. 

The Library Board has vested the Director with the authority to supervise meeting room use and interpret these policies. Failure to comply with these regulations or the directives of the designated representative of the Library will cancel further use of the Library facilities. The Director shall have the right to waive the regulations whenever it is in the best interest of the Library or the community to do so. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to alter or waive the rules. 

Adopted by the Board of Trustees, Plymouth Public Library May 21, 2001 

Laptop Policy

The Plymouth Public Library has 15 laptops with Word, PowerPoint, Excel, web browsers, a PDF Reader, a media player, microphone, and webcam for use inside this library only.

Individuals: 18 and over with a valid Plymouth Public Library card, which is free of fines and overdue materials on their account, may borrow one laptop per person for use inside this library.  Liability is assumed for all laptops used.

Organizations/Businesses: may borrow up to 15 laptops (if available) for use in a reserved library meeting room.  Laptops must be checked out on their library card.  Liability is assumed for all laptops used.

Circulation Rules for Laptops:

  • Laptops may only be used during library operating hours.
  • The maximum loan period is 2 hours and laptops must be returned to a Computer Lab staff member no later than 30 minutes before the library closes.
  • Borrowers are responsible for the laptops.  Unattended laptops will be retrieved by library staff and laptop borrowing privileges will be suspended.
  • Personal software cannot be loaded onto the laptop.
  • Files can be saved on the laptop, but they will NOT be retained once the laptop is powered off or restarted. Please save work frequently to a USB drive or email your files.
  • Immediately notify Computer Lab staff if you notice damage to the laptop or discover an application that is not working.
  • Wireless printing is available using ePRINTit, which prints to the public printers in the Computer Lab.
  • Laptops come fully charged and will include the charging cord.
  • Patrons will receive a due date/time slip when they check out their laptops.
  • Laptops returned with damage will be assessed a fine commensurate with damage up to the full replacement cost of $650.

Adopted: 2/4/21

No Smoking Policy

To protect and enhance our indoor air quality and to contribute to the health and well-being of all employees and patrons, the facilities and the immediate premises of the Plymouth Public Library shall be entirely smoke-free effective July 1, 2014.

Additionally, effective July 1, 2014, the use of all tobacco products, including chewing tobacco and electronic cigarettes, is not allowed at the Plymouth Public Library.

Smoking is prohibited in all of the enclosed areas within the Plymouth Public Library without exception. This includes all public and private areas, conference and meeting rooms, offices, hallways, lunchrooms, stairs, restrooms, supply rooms, mechanical rooms, and all other enclosed facilities.

Per IC 7.1-5-12-13 and effective immediately, Plymouth Public Library hereby establishes that all library property will be smoke-free.

Adopted: 6/30/2014
Revised: 8/27/2018

Patron Conduct Policy

The Plymouth Public Library strives to provide free and equal library services to all patrons. The Library adopts in full the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, which states, “A person’s right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background or views.” To ensure the comfort and the protection of all Library patrons, however, and to prevent the use of the Library from becoming inconvenient or disruptive to the majority of users, the Library has adopted the following additional policy:

ENVIRONMENT – help protect the health and safety of others and library property.

  • The Library is a smoke-free environment.
  • Food and beverages are allowed except in computer areas, and liquid containers must have lids.
  • Solicitation is prohibited unless authorized by the library in advance. This includes the selling of anything either for personal gain or for a charity. Begging, panhandling, or circulating petitions is also prohibited.
  • Walk. Running can be dangerous and/or disruptive.
  • Loitering is prohibited and defined as remaining or wandering in a public place without any discernible legitimate reason.
  • Sleeping on library premises is prohibited.
  • A person intoxicated or under the influence of drugs/chemicals is not allowed on library premises.
  • Animals are not allowed in the library unless part of a library sponsored activity or serving as an aide for persons with disabilities.
  • Clothing must be worn in an appropriate manner, including shirt and shoes.

RESPECT YOURSELF, OTHERS, & THE LIBRARY – treat others as you wish to be treated.

  • Disruptive and/or disorderly conduct is prohibited and defined as any behavior that interferes with the normal functioning of the library (i.e. loud talking or laughing, the loud/excessive use of cell phones or other electronic devices, fighting, throwing objects, boisterous behavior, skateboarding, etc.).
  • Harassment of other patrons or staff is forbidden and defined as unwanted attention perceived as intimidating, demeaning, or bothersome.
  • Language, clothing, body odor, etc. that is offensive to other patrons or staff is prohibited, as is the use of obscene language, behavior, or gestures. The definition of obscene is: offensive to modesty or decency; lewd; disgusting; filthy; and or repulsive. Obscene can be defined as language, behavior, dress, or gestures which convey a sexually explicit message or describe intimate bodily function in a coarse or crude manner. Any form of sexual misconduct, including exposure, offensive touching, or sexual harassment of patrons or staff is strictly prohibited.
  • Mutilating, destroying, and/or defacing library materials, equipment, or property is forbidden.
  • Restrooms are a shared space. Misuse (i.e. shaving, bathing, smoking, stealing, etc.) is prohibited.
  • The library reserves the right to inspect any parcels, bags, etc., that are carried into or out of the library.
  • Any illegal behavior is prohibited and staff is directed to call Law Enforcement to handle the situation.

Repeat offenders may be banned from the premises. Returning without prior permission opens up offenders to prosecution for trespassing. Patrons banned may appeal to the Library Board.

Adopted: 8/27/2018

Social Media Policy

The Plymouth Public Library is committed to using social media to inform users about educational opportunities, library programs, events (including those co-sponsored with other organizations) and materials as well as to encourage dialogue between users and library staff. In this context, social media is any website or application that allows people to share information or converse in a virtual environment and to “post” is defined as placing any content in any form on any PPL social medium. Examples of social media include, but are not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, and blogs.

Users of all ages must be cautious when they post on or view any social media. The library is not responsible for any misuse of personal information posted on social media. As with all other resources provided by PPL, parents or guardians are responsible for the use by their children. The library does not act in place of a parent or guardian and is not responsible for enforcing any restrictions upon minors that a parent or guardian has placed. Parents or designated guardians who wish to limit or restrict the access of their own children should personally oversee their use of social media.

User comments, posts and messages are welcome on PPL social media. The library reserves the right to monitor content posted on its social media and to modify or remove any content that it deems, in its sole discretion, to be abusive, offensive, defamatory, spam, in violation of copyright, trademark right or other intellectual property right of any third party, or otherwise inappropriate. The library, in addition, reserves the right to edit or modify posts for space while retaining the intent of the original post, and to reproduce comments, posts and messages in other media outlets. Users should have no expectation of privacy in posts on the library’s social media. Posts do not necessarily reflect the opinions or positions of the library, its employees, or its Board of Trustees.

By posting on the library’s social media, users give the library permission to use their name, profile picture, and the content of any posting they make without compensation to them or liability on the part of the library. The library reserves the right to post pictures from library sponsored or co-sponsored programs on social media.

The library does not collect, maintain or otherwise use personal information stored on any third party social media. Users may add or remove themselves from the library’s list of followers at their discretion, according to the capabilities offered by such third party sites. Users should be aware that third party sites have their own privacy policies and proceed accordingly. Social media used by the library includes opt-out from further contact.

By participating in PPL’s social media, each user and employee agrees to abide by the library’s policies and all applicable federal, state and local laws. Users also agree to indemnify the Plymouth Public Library, its Board of Trustees and employees from and against all liabilities, judgments, damages, and costs (including attorney’s fees) that arise out of or are related to the content posted by said user.

The library is responsible only for content that it posts. The library is not and cannot be responsible for the content, availability, or accuracy of posts by users or any other entity or for any web sites linked to or from the library’s social media.

The library’s social media may be considered public records under Indiana Public Records laws. If requested, the library may be compelled to disclose public records to third party requestors.

Adopted: 1/26/15

Tablet Lending Policy

  • Patrons must present a valid library card and a current photo ID to check out any electronics.
  • Tablets may be checked out by any Resident library card holder (Center, North, Polk, or West Townships) 18 or older with an account clear of all fines.
  • Tablets check out for seven days.
  • Tablets may only be returned to Computer Room staff.
  • Tablets may be placed on hold.
  • Only one tablet at a time may be checked out or placed on hold per household.
  • Patrons will be charged $20 for each day the tablet is overdue.
  • The library reserves the right to suspend tablet privileges for those not abiding by the rules.
  • Tablets must be returned in their original neoprene bag with tablet, tablet case, power cord, and instruction card.
  • Returns with missing or substitute parts will incur charges according to current replacement costs: Tablet $100; power cord $15; neoprene bag $15; case $15; instructional card $2.


The library does not guarantee the security of personal information when using our technology. Please use caution in sharing your information. Any data or information left on our devices will be deleted. We are not responsible for any lost files.

Unattended Patron Policy

The Plymouth Public Library strives to maintain a safe and comfortable atmosphere for all of our patrons. The intention of this policy is to prevent any issues with safety and/or noise that may occur as a result of children or other patrons being in the library without appropriate supervision.

The library staff duties cannot include babysitting or taking over any parental responsibilities for children or patrons with special needs when they visit the library.

Children younger than 11 years old or persons unable to take care of themselves may not be left unattended in the library without appropriate supervision. Caregivers must be in the vicinity and in visual contact at all times. Children may be supervised by a sibling or caregiver who is at least 15 years old. Library staff will not assume custodial responsibility for these unattended patrons. The Plymouth Public Library assumes no liability for these patrons.

Children or groups of children visiting the library from any preschool, day care, or babysitting facility must also be directly supervised at all times by caregivers to insure safety and monitor behavior.

If a child or person unable to take care of him or herself appears to be left unattended the staff will attempt to locate the parents or legal guardians. If the parents or guardians cannot be located the police may be notified.

If a child or patron is left at the library after closing time staff are authorized to call the police to pick them up. Staff will stay with the person until someone arrives. Under no circumstances will staff provide rides home for any patron.

Library staff will refer to this policy when necessary, including in response to the following situations:

  • An unattended patron is found frightened or crying in the library.
  • An unattended patron is perceived to be endangering themselves, or that another person in the library poses a perceived threat to the unattended patron.
  • An unattended patron exhibits behavior that is specifically prohibited in the library’s code of conduct.
  • An unattended patron has not been met by a responsible caregiver at closing time.

Adopted: 8/28/2023

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